Today’s Date: 9 March - 10 dog/kid teams from Skagit County came to the Farm over the weekend to learn more about the basics of 4H agility. With the help of Sarah Garrison and Christy Lyons, Sam set up three stations - start line, tunnel and five jump course. It was great to see the kids embrace a solid start line and dogs getting familiar with the equipment. Next group 4H agility day is on the calendar for 23 March with a 4H fun day set for 24 May.

25 FEb 2025. Happy to announce in the world of Barn Hunt - Lelia is teaching Barn Hunt to Aussie teams on Tuesday. Mandy is teaching Barn Hunt to intro teams and providing practice for more advanced teams and Barb will continue her Wednesday Barn Hunt practices when she is over the latest crud going around. The SchaSam Barn Hunt Club will be hosting a Intro to Crazy 8 day on 6 April. For AGILITY - Our March NADAC agility trial is FULL! For NASDA - The SchaSam team is hosting a Intro to NASDA day for the Bell Vernon Kennel Association with Tami B. on 22 March. GIVING BACK: We have been reaching out to our local 4H clubs to provide agility training and hope to host a couple fun days for 4H teams this summer.

2 November 2024. Congratulations to all the teams who had successful trials at the Farm Dog Certification trials at SchaSam Farm on 2 November. Judges Lisa Ford and Tonya Hirtzel led 13 teams through their paces. Five dogs (out of 12 who completed the trial) qualified in Trial 1 and ten dogs in Trial 2 (it helps to have a run through!). Five dogs earned their AKC Farm Dog title! From the large (Shilo Shepherd Cylas with Val Barnett) to the small (Russian Toy Milaya with Mandy Schlereth) every team learned a bit about how their dog reacts around stock, farm noises, smells and sights. Thanks to Mandy & Melina for their work setting up and tearing down as well as providing course assistance to our judges. We hope to schedule more Farm Dog Certification trials in the early spring. In the meantime, practice that LOOSE LEASH WALKING!!!

30 October 2024 - Congrats to Sam & Bling for gaining their AHBA Championship title on 27 October at Frog Breath’s Farm in Winlock WA. Bling scored a 92 (out of 100) for first place in her Herding Ranch Dog course and followed with another 92 (second place) on Saturday and another qualifying score on Sunday (We 69?). Mertz gained her level 2 title in Ranch Dog there as well with a 82 (out of 90) and an 81.5 out of 90. She placed 1st both trials.

October 2024 - Eight teams from SAG represented Western Washington at NADAC Championships in Gillette WY in 2024. Teddi & Kwip took third in their division earning a trip to the podium. Sam & Bling who were 4th in their division, won the XL Dog Division Challenger Round. Most of us placed in one or more rounds of the competition - Cathy & Kal & Karlee, Brian & Meb, Margaret & Reno, Kassidy & Cookie, Judy & Ava, Sam & Mertz and Mike, Pickle & Vito. Unfortunately most of the teams also came home with COVID in their swag bags. Looking forward to a more successful 2025 Champs!

September 2024. We raised over $12,000 for local and corporate Toys for Tots. Over 11K came from our NADAC trial here at SchaSam Farm with entries, ribbon buy back, silenty auction, raffle items and challenges. $695 went directly to Toys for Tots home office from a Fund Me page set up by SchaSam Farm. NADAC donated their run fees (605 runs) and our wonderful NADAC judges (Patti Cavin, Pam Kaye, Arlene Courtney, Traci Bruchok, and Kari Hammargren) donated their time and judge fees. High in Trial Awards went to: Newton & Nate for Intro, Mertz & Sam for Novice, Flame & Pam for Open, Pickle & Mike for Elite and Freddie & Arlene for Vet Dog. This is our fourth year of dedicating a trial for Toys for Tots with over $40,000 raised for our local families. A great way to get into the holiday spirit! Our next trial will be December 7-8 at the Fun Fur Paws arena in Mt Vernon.

25 August 2024. A great time in the Western Washington sun and rain this past weekend (it was themed Puppy Pool Party anyway) with 679 runs in seven different classes under Judge Arlene Courtney. We were able to give out two HUGE awards to Courtney Roller & Breeze. They gained their first NATCH and Versatility NATCH on Sunday’s Chances runs! Thanks to all who have cheered them on their agility journey! The waterlogged crew after cleanup is below. We were able to provide a check to Snohomish County Volunteer Search & Rescue for $229 from our ribbon buy back program to help them with their efforts to keep us safe and sound. High in Trial awards to: Roo & Don and Melina for Intro, Mertz & Sam for Novice, Pickle & Mike for Elite and Bolt & Scott for Vet Dog. Now to focus on Toys for Tots in September!

22 May - GREAT WHAT THE DUCK themed NADAC trial last weekend. Teams gave us 798 fun runs on two NATCH days (only the classes needed for NATCH were built - Regular, Chances, Jumpers) and one day of games on Saturday. We potlucked with AWESOME food and a hilarious round of ax throwing (plastic!). Congrats to our High in Trial winners - Effie Feurst in Intro, in Novice, Flame Kaye in Open, Ava Jones in Elite, Cedar Hill in Elite Vet and Leo Feurst as Senior Handler. We had teams from WA, OR, BC, CA and Wisconsin here to play with us and hope to see everyone back end of this month for our next NADAC trial 31 May - 2 June.

8 May, The NADAC trial for 17-19 May is FULL on Friday and creeping up on full for Saturday. Sunday is wide open. Come on out and play - entries close this Friday, 10 May.

5 May - Another great NASDA trial at SchaSam Feld. Over 500 runs of Trailing & Locating, Trailing Brace and Shed Dog. In addition to earning points and ribbons, a lot of laughter happened in spite of the Western Washington weather that cooperated with us on Saturday only to laugh at us on Sunday. We welcomed quite a few new folks to the sport and Niki G, oiur judge from Livermore California who had never been to our great state before. Dates being worked for trials in July, August and October.

13 April - 16 dogs gained their AKC Farm Dog certification at SchaSam Farm on 13 April. Schipperkes, Plott Hounds, Border Collies, Rat Terriers, Australian Shepherds, and a Wheaten Terrier, PIttbull, Golden Doodle, and Great Dane showed they could be “good dogs” in a farm environment. Congratulations!

9 April - VT Regular Course set at the elite level. If you want a different level set, let Sam know so we can make that available for you. If you wish to VT, please text Sam for a time/day/level.

2 April. The AKC Farm Dog certification testing for 13 April is still open for entry as well as the Barn Hunt Association trials in April. The North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) trial for 4-5 May is FULL and a wait list has been established. We will hire another judge if the wait list justifies. Our NADAC trial for 17-19 May is filling fast with a lot of fun to be had during the trial, at our doggie yard sale to benefit the Humane Society of Jefferson County and our game filled potluck!

27 February - both the North American Sport Dog Assocation (NASDA) trial 2-3 March and the North American Agility Council (NADAC) trial 16-17 March are FULL. Wait lists have been established for both events. Opening dates for all hosted events are listed on this website along with the trial premiums. Get your entries in early!

17 February - The SchaSam Agility Group (SAG) members celebrated Mardi Gras with a fun day at Lucy Lotto’s Le Phantom Farm in Stanwood. Lucy and Rob graciously allow us to use their gorgeous horse facility with it’s enclosed arena for our winter fun days! Check out this motley crew who played a couple rounds of jumpers, noshed on great finger foods and swapped tales of great adventures! Meridith/Tanuki, Don/Bling, Melina/Roo, Sam/Squeek, James/Diana, Jeff/Mack, Nancy/Finn, Kathy/Missy, Glory, Jenny & Jubilee, Mike/CrackerJack, Courtney/Huck, Mike/Gracie, Anne/Zoku, Wendy/Joy, Lizzy/Meg/Charm and Nate/Darwin/Newt.

4 February - Thanks to SchaSam agility students who volunteered their time to help with local dog 4H club members at the

Evergreen Fairground in Monroe on 3 Feb. Eight of us worked with 11 kid/dog teams in a round robin of training with agility, rally

and tricks. James, Jeff and Don worked with the kids inside the open arena on an agility course. Jayne & Melina set up a rally

course and Erin & Sam did some “how to teach” training for tricks. We are looking forward to hosting the kids/dogs/parents at

SchaSam Farm in July for another 4H fun day!

15 January - No training today (Monday) or Tuesday 15-16 due to COLD weather. We hope the chill moves on later in the week.

27 November. SAG agility trial this weekend at Fun Fur Paws arena in Mount Vernon. We will be voting on new members, having end of year potlluck dinner and enjoying running our dogs while hopefully raising a little money for this month’s cause. Bring an unwrapped new toy to put in the Toys for Tots bin and receive a $5 certificate for your next SAG trial.

30 September - Touch & Go FIJI course set and good for running through 1 October.

18 September. What a GREAT NADAC agility trial here at the Farm. We met our fundraising goal of 10K for Toys for Tots, saw 755 runs with happy dogs and handlers, and gave out EIGHT NADAC Agility Team Championship ribbons/bars/champagne (NATCH, Versatility NATCH and Platinum NATCH) to Kathleen & Becca (NATCH & Platinum), Cathy & Kleo (NATCH), Nancy & Cedar (NATCH & Platinum), Heather & Penny (VNATCH 1), Debbie & Quincy (VNATCH 1) and Nancy & Crush (Platinum). Congratulations to all who came out to play!

10 August - the field will be cleared after classes tonight and bare until Monday afternoon. No VTs this weekend due to the proximity of the ZAP trial. Good opportunity to let the grass take a rest and get the tunnels off the field.

7 August - the Farm is getting ready to host Barn Hunt Association trials this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Good luck to all competitors - climb, tunnel and FIND a rat! No use of the agility field from Thursday night through Monday afternoon please.

6 August - the Triebball field upgrade is almost completed with new goal area gates, new fencing and new entry gate. Looking forward to having a fun match soon - bring Winston, Karma, Bling, Charm, Darwin and Dance and lets push some balls around!

31 July - Thanks to some super volunteers (Callie, Lizzy, Kassidy & James) our 4H Fun Day at SchaSam Farm was a roaring success. Seven teams of 4H kids and their dogs got to learn more about and have some Paws On experience with North American Sport Dog Association scent work (Callie), AKC Farm Dog (Lizzy), AKC Rally (Kassidy) and 4H Agility (James). Bling got to demonstrate her sheep and goat herding skills to start off the morning session followed by the teams working round robin through the various sports. Cookie, Dance, Mertz and Bling got to show off their agility skills and then Bling ran for numerous parents (who did REALLY GOOD!). We also discussed agility safety and proper weights for dogs we are asking to be athletes. Hoping to have some SAG/NASDA/Barn Hunt members provide a demonstration at the Evergreen State Fair this year to fill in some time at the Dog Barn. More info will be forthcoming.

30 July: Video Taped Course “Ollie” grounders is set at the OPEN level - course maps in the ring box if you want to renumber to a different level. This course is valid for filming through 1 August . Will set a new course on Wednesday for VTs - either Regular or Touch & Go.

30 July: Our first donation for Toys for Tots fundraiser just in from Teddi (the great masseuse who comes to our SAG trials) - two gift certificates for a free one hour massage! These will be included in the silent auction/raffle at the September “Santa in September” trial here at SchaSam along with a competition teeter totter, standard and winged jumps and other donations to the cause. Second donation was offer from Olivia H. to make raffle baskets for our September events - ideas? Holidays and trial themes for 2024!

27 July. Congratulations to the Level 1 folks who won 30’ long lines at the SchaSam North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) trials last weekend. These long lines go to the level 1 dog with the fastest time in sports played over the weekend; Lemon in Shed Dog, Jenny in Trailing & Locating Brace, Schooner in Lost Item and Augie in Trailing and Locating.

31 May. AKC FDC test results should be posted to the dogs’ records by now. If there is an issue, please contact me at so I can check the results submission.

31 May. NASDA trials in July opening date is 10 June. Hope to see you all there! All levels except GCH of all classes - to include Trailing & Locating Brace! So grab a teammate and get ready to RACE to the box!

28 May. Day two of NASDA working dog trials with a grand total of 272 runs for the two day event. Congratulations to those dogs earning SchaSam Best of Breed (three or more of the same breed in the same class) -my feeble brain remembers Mystic who won both UL1 runs on Sunday. My baby border collie Mertz finally got a Shed Dog 2 Qualifying run (in fact TWO of them) - sometimes giving them a little time off to mature and think pays off!

27 May. Day one of NASDA working dog trials completed with approximately 160 runs. Congratulations to those dogs who got qualifying runs and were able to move up to their new title! Today was Urban Locating (UL) (puppy aptitude through UL3) and Lost Item (LI) (Level 1 - 3). Puppy Newton qualified in both of his UL runs. Xena moved up from UL1 to UL2. Rugby, Duncan, Scarmouche, and Squishy all got to play for the first time and did great! Tomorrow we will be playing Urban Locating and Shed Dog!

7 May. Received a very nice note from Roxanne after today’s AKC Farm Dog Certification tests: Well, we did it! With our friends Sue Noel / Veeka, and Mavis Boerboel (Lisa) / Opal aka Opi We all ventured to Stanwood SchaSam farm to run 2 farm dog certification trials testing with hopes of title and we ALL did! We ate, we tested and we ate some more! 😜 What a fun day with our friends! ❣️🐾❣️Many thanks to Sam one of the judges, host and owner of SchaSam farm. IntCH Dewburys Dream of Rus Pekos CGCA CGCU RE TKN FDC (FDC pending AKC paperwork) *This too is very good for a service dog! New / sudden loud sounds, animals and odd textures to walk on! Booyah

3 May: VT Course Meadowlark Touch & Go has been set. Please let Sam know if you are going to do the course so we can ensure the field is available. This course will be up until Wednesday when we will change to either Chances or Regular.

25 April: VT course Holly Chances has been set. Please let Sam know if you are going to do the course and what level so the tape can be set (or get the map out of the ring box and set your tape). Sam will not be available Saturday or Sunday.

24 April. Initial Confirmations have been sent for our AKC Farm Dog Certification Tests to be held 7 May. Still taking entries and will honor Day of Show if we don’t fill. Two tests so your team can earn the FDC title if you Qualify in both.

23 April. No VT agility course set this week as we flip flopped the map to save our backs on moving tunnels. Weavers course is available. Barb’s sign up for group barn hunt practices are available for May, June & July on the Events page.

9 April Grounders Open level (CRUSH) is set for VTs - Will be changing the course this week to Jumpers, then will bring in contacts for a regular course.

3 April - Sam has been approved by the American Kennel Club (AKC) to be a Canine Good Citizen (CGC), AKC Community Canine (CGC Advanced), Urban CGC, Video Home Manners and AKC Trick Dog evaluator. We will be setting dates for those evaluations for this fall/winter season!

3 April - SAG’s NADAC agility trial 19-21 May is now open for entry. Premium can be found on this website under Events & Classes page and on the NADAC website.

23 March - AKC Farm Dog Certification premium has been approved and is open for entry. Premium can be found under the event on the Events & Classes page of this website.

22 March - first NADAC trial of the year in the books. Over 840 runs with several great new to NADAC folks! We got to give out four NATCHs (Susan & Laddie, Cathy & Kleo, Kathy & Missy and Lea & Remy) as well as High In Trial Awards to Meredith & Tananka (Novice), Kristen & Remey (Open), Janet & Kate (Elite), Sam & Squeek (Elite Vet Dog) and Brian (Senior Handler) and the coveted “Go with the Flow” award went to our favorite Canuck Eric and teammate Six. Hope to see them all at our May trial!

10 March - Some of the SchaSam rats will get to go visit with Sil as he holds an Earthdog Practice out at his place next weekend . If you are interested in Earthdog - please contact the Puget Sound Earthdog Club via Facebook!

9 March - Reminder, anyone currently taking agility lessons at SchaSam is welcome to come out to the field and practice on the set course for free. Please text Sam at 443-497-6721 to confirm the field is not already booked for lessons or another team’s practice. Anyone who has previously taken agility lessons at SchaSam may also use the field for a small fee ($5 payablel at time of practice). Please coordinate with Sam to deconflict practice time.

8 March - Spice Video Taped course has been set, Regular. The SAG agility trial is FULL for Saturday so if you haven’t entered yet, you will be limited to runs on Friday or Sunday.

26 February - Four teams got in some Farm Dog practice today at the Farm before Kristen/Remy worked the PEG VT Chances course. This course is good for VTs until 1 March when I will be setting another VT course to use for points or for training.

25 February - Lots of good work and laughter at the SAG Fun Day at Le Phantom Farm. Old and young dogs got to try out a Chances and Jumpers VT course for points and practice. We appreciate Lucy & Rob letting us use their magnificent arena, club room and bathroom!

24 February - ready for a little FUN DAY at Le Phantom Farm with the SchaSam Agility Group! Getting ready for our March NADAC trial where we will sponsor a group of Seniors from the Stanwood Senior Center and show them how our dogs play with us on the courses.

20 February - the premium for the AKC Farm Dog Certification testing has been submitted for approval.

18 February - NASDA has approved our May NASDA trial at SchaSam Farm - Urban Locating (levels 1-3), Lost Item Recovery (levels 1-3), and Shed Dog (level 1-2) will be played .

13 February - PEG regular has been set to the open level on the agility field and will be up for a few more days if you want to come and video tape your runs. Will be changing to a chances run to work a little distance strategy. The field will be available this weekend.

2 February - Puget Sound Earthdog Club may be using SchaSam Farm for training or competitions in 2023. Earthdog is where terriers “go to ground” through tunnels to find the rat in the box at the end of the tunnel. Tunnels go from straight/short to twisty and long depending on the level of expertise of the dog. Stay tuned!

1 February - CONGRATULATIONS to all the dogs who have trained or trialed in NASDA at SchaSam Farm. The 2022 yearly results are out for NASDA - Top 25, By Breed Rankings and Showcase lists are out with a HUGE amount of our teammates being invited to the 2023 NASDA National Competition in Arlee MT in June. Check out the entire list on the NASDA Dashboard. Very proud that all four of the SchaSam Farm dogs have been invited to GO SNIFF!

31 January - tomorrow is last day for CLAW VTs. The plan is to set a new course when posted by NADAC. Today Judy & Ava and Kassidy & Cookie ran the OPEN Regular course with success - Ava blasted through 12 weaves! This evening Audrey and Frosty used it for practice (and did great on an OPEN level course - GO Junior Handlers!) The sun/rain awnings (in Barn Hunt green no less) finally got finished up over both the Master and Instinct/Novice/Open Scribe areas. No more wrestling with pop ups to divert the liquid sunshine!

29 January. Busy day at the Farm. In addition to having Kristen & Remey run the CLAW Open Regular VT course set on the agility field (course good through 1 February), we had eight dogs practice for their Farm Dog test this morning; Taryn & Sydney (AussieX), Caroline & Patsy (Pug) & Cathy (Corgi), Denise & LeeLee (Rhodesian Ridgeback), Jayne & Ryker (Standard Schnauzer) and Catherine & Dori (Dutch Shepherd). Some great runs through the 12 stations and some issues identified to work on before the 7 May Farm Dog Certification Test. Several more practice days have been put on the calendar! Come out, learn more about the AKC Farm Dog program and get ready to gain that title!

27 January. CLAW Open Regular has been set for Video Taped (VT) runs. NADAC’s VT program allows competitors to run these courses for points without the stress of competition. CLAW Regular (any level can be set if you let Sam know ( is good until 1 February. All VT rules apply.

23 January: SchaSam Farm is happy to announce that Susan Lietz Cole will be teaching private Barn Hunt lessons for intro and novice at the Farm. Susan Cole is a 41 year resident of Stanwood and started in dog sports in 2004 with her first rat terrier in  NADAC agility.  They competed for 15 years including multiple national events.  She first did Barn Hunt many years ago, but then stopped when her dogs got stymied in Senior division.   After starting up Camano Canine Resort in 2009,  she taught agility classes there for 5 years and learned a great deal about dog behavior dealing with the dog park on the facility.  She went back to Barn Hunt competitions with her newest rat terrier, Calamity, born in 2019 and has had great success:  tied for first at the National competition in 2022 in hurdles (against 176 dogs), qualifying in 5 of 7 courses there with placements in 4 of those five (first, two seconds and a third) of all small dogs.  Susan and Calamity compete most weekends in some type of dog event and hopes to share the joy to be found in having good teamwork with your dog.

15 January. Video Taped Course CLAW has been set for Novice Jumpers. If you want a different course set, please let Sam know. More information about Video Taped runs can be found on the Events & Classes page.

8 January. The SchaSam Agility Group’s JAnuary Fun Day at Le Phantom Farm in Stanwood saw 18 dogs and about 10 handlers take to the covered arena to try video taped runs (small course) in Touch & Go and Jumpers. The youngsters got to practice, the big dogs got to work the whole courses and the Club got to discuss future events, share information and great finger foods and laughter. Next Club Fun Day Saturday 25 February at Le Phantom Farm!

17 December. The SchaSam Agility Group’s end of year Fun Day and Club meeting was a hoot ! We got to play with two VT courses (weavers and jumpers), enjoy some great nibbles, X and G rated beverages, and fellowship up at Le Phantom Farm in Stanwood. Thanks to Lucy & Rob for letting us use their arena to play with our dogs. We had some great gag gifts to give out to include the coveted “Flying Tunnel Award” which we hope is a one off! Thanks to Nate & James for loading/unloading equipment and to all who participated. A Club letter will be out soon with our 2023 schedule and themes for trials.

5 December. WOW, what a GREAT trial weekend at Fun Fur Paws arena we had. Over 800 runs which helped raise $9500 for our local Toys for Tots campaign. With a whole passel of volunteering elves, the SAG club provided six tables of raffle items and silent auction items from a purple handmade bird house, to hoops, jumps, a tip-it assist, teeter totter base, and a sweet dog bed. Participants provided 2 bins of new unwrapped toys for the kids and got to play in the silly games to include the weave pole dance, leash throwing, puppy kissing contest, tennis ball shooting and the ever popular Santa Sack race!

1 December. Due to NO takers for the 5pm Thursday Drop In Agility sessions, those are cancelled until further notice. Will continue the Tuesday and Wednesday 3pm sessions and the Thursday 1 and 3pm sessions. Working start line stays, front crosses, weaves, hoop serpentines, GO, and beginning switch (turn away) in the big barn when weather is too bad to be outside. Had Trigger, Annie, Taz, Jack and Ryker learning new things (along with their humans) this week.

16 November. Touch & Go VT Course Balloon has been set and is available for all levels Novice - Elite. Ava & Judy should have one Q on video. Diana & James excelled with some nice timely cueing. Dance and cousin Calamity worked on extending their distance path. Wookie & Jan did a practice session at noon. Terriers Harold (Diane) & Jack (Angie) enjoyed some drop in agility at 3pm along with Denise’s poodle & rhodesian ridgeback. Teams are working on developing a clear, consistent, communication process. Thursday drop in times are 1, 3 and 5. The field is fully lit for the 5pm time slot. Come work those contacts!

13 November. Congratulations to all the SchaSam Agility Group team members who played so well at WHATS’ NADAC agility trial 11-13 November. Lots of fun was had by all - some fun doing zoomies, some fun doing distance and a lot of laughter! Sam & Bling won Elite High in Trial even with a lot of distance work and the club welcomed new members Teddi & Cathy (the Kocker Krew) to the fold !

10 November - Drop in agility sessions with several folks yesterday at 3pm and today at 1pm. Great to see Jack on the field with Angie, Cookie & Bee with Kassidy, Denise and her two dogs, and Marianne and Trigger. Some folks are working the courses and others working on basics. Bee & Trigger got introduced to a tunnel today. Yesterday Judy & Ava video’ed their runs and got approval from NADAC for two Qs on the set Balloon Novice Regular VT course!

8 November - SchaSam Agility Group (SAG) members will hold their end of year party/VT/Fun Day at Le Phantom Farm’s arena in Stanwood on Saturday 17 December starting at 11am. January Fun / VT day will be held on a Sunday, February on Saturday (dates TBD). Thank you to Lucy Lotto for providing this incredible venue for us to play with our dogs. Want to join the fun? SAG membership is open to anyone who competes or trains NADAC agility with a vote from the current members. Our criteria for membership is pretty easy - come laugh, run a dog, train a dog, volunteer and be supportive of others. Hit Sam at the contact page for more information about membership benefits.

7 November. NADAC Trial Calendar submissions for 2023 trial dates were accepted by NADAC today: March 17-19 and 1-3 December at Fun Fur Paws. At SchaSam in Stanwood - Marvelous May 19-21, Jumping June 2-4, July 7-9, Puppy Pool Party August 18-20, and Stupendous September 15-17. NADA Championships will be 3-8 October so Sam will be traveling approximately 24 September though mid October. 2023 Barn Hunt competition dates being considered for April, June and August. NASDA dates will be next!

2 November.: Marianne and Trigger (BC/ACD) had a great drop in agility session today. Learning foundations is such a great way to connect with your dog. Trigger loves getting treats from the lotus ball. Judy & Ava (AS) and Kassidy & Cookie (ACD) turned in their VTs on the HOPE Touch & Go course - I think they should have some good Qs!

1 November: Looks like we will be hosting three Barn Hunt competitions in 2023 - same weekends as last year in April, June and August. Susan Cole will be Trial Chair. Stay tuned for more information!

28 October: Touch & Go Course Hope is up for Video Taped Runs or practice until next Wednesday when the course will be changed to Hope Regular. Come practice (if you train here) for free or run the VT (bring your own camera person or coordinate with Sam for a hand).

27 October: Results from the October NASDA trials have been submitted to NASDA. Hope to see those uploaded to your points soon.

26 October: Drop in agility hours have been posted under Events & Classes page. Come join us in the little field for intro/beginner and on the big field for Intermediate or private lessons. Dress for the weather but we will move into the big barn if we are getting the liquid Western Washington sunshine in BIG drops!

25 October: Toys for Tots premium/entry form for the SAG hosted Toys for Tots NADAC Fund Raiser is open for entry under Events & Classes page.

24 October - the Premium/Entry form for the SAG hosted Toys for Tots NADAC Fund Raiser has been approved and should be posted on the NADAC site soon. I have it posted on the Events & Classes page with the Toys for Tots event. I expect this trial to fill so please try to get your completed entry in as soon as you can. FUN!!!

1 October. Congratulations to all the SchaSam Agility Group members who enjoyed trialing at the NADAC Championships in Gillette WY 22-25 September. Tyler & Dory took second in Elite Small Division, Nancy & Cedar took second in Pre-Elite Medium Division, Sam & Squeek took second in Double Digit Small Division, and Kathy & Missy took second in Pre-Elite Team Division and Margaret & Reno came in fourth in Elite Standard Mini Division. Brian & Meb, Mike & Gracie and Mike & Pickle & Vito showed us some great stuff as well.

15 September. Congrats to all the teams who played in our Urban Challenge Games trials at SchaSam 15 September. High in Trials were won by Kismet in both trials. Anne Goldenberger has decided reading the rules the night before an event works for her! We had over 125 runs that started at 4pm and ended just after 8pm with judges Donna Murray & Callie Kiehl with back up judge (and trial secretary) Jessica Clough. Our next trials will be held at the Stanwood Camano Community Fairgrounds 14-17 October. The premium (entry form) has been posted and is open for entry.

11 September. Congrats to all who had fun playing at the NADAC Stupendous September trial at SchaSam this weekend. We welcomed a couple new folks to the field and had three interested spectators checking out NADAC. Our judge, Arlene Courtney from Monmouth OR gave us some challenging courses to get ready for NADAC championships. From donations and our ribbon buy back program we were able to write a check for $507 (+ donations of crate pads and kibble) to the Skagit Humane Society who is dealing with 115 puppies/dogs from a horrible situation out of Concrete. What a wonderful bunch of generous handlers! We got to award several big ribbons: Kathy Swan & Missy got NATCH 9 and Sam Lietz & Squeek got NATCH 13. Our High in Trial Winners: Novice - Dance & Sam Lietz, Open - Breeze & Courtney Roller, Elite Veteran Dog - Crush & Nancy Roller and Elite Dog - Gracie & Mike Bellinghausen. Our clean up crew did an awesome job - with Anne Seethoff and Judy Jones winning “last (wo)man standing” gift certificates. This was our last outdoor trial for 2022 with over 4400 runs so far in 2022. We should be well over 5,000 for the year with healthy entries to the December 2-4 Toys for Tots NADAC Fund Raiser at Fun Fur Paws arena in Mount Vernon!

31 August: Results from the Sedro Woolley 28-29 August regular trials are provided at this link. Urban Challenge Games results from 28 - 29 August provided at this link. Please review results and ensure dog registration #, spelling of dog/handler and breed correct and any result issues - please report to before noon on Thursday 1 September.

29 August: Will post rest of results for High In Class later this week. But for right now, I have the NASDA Urban Challenge High in Game and High in Trial:

NASDA Urban Challenge Games special awards:
Sunday - High in Trial TEN (Standard Schnauzer) with Elizabeth Archer Klein
High in Game #1 - Ace (Schipperke) with Deb Bruner
High in Game #2 - Loki (Mix) with Bev Taylor
High in Game #3 - Jupiter (Australian Cattle Dog) with Callie Kiehl

Monday - High In Trial GLETTA (Icelandic Sheepdog) with rent-a-handler Candy Allen, owned by Pat Logen.
High in Game #4 - Cody (Parson Russell Terrier) with Kathy Weaver
High in Game #5 - Becca (Border Collie) with Kathleen Daly
High in Game #6 - Dance (Rat Terrorist) handicapped by Marilynn K. Sam Lietz

Our 15 September Urban Challenge Games trial has been approved and is open for entry

.27 August - NASDA trials for two sets of Urban Challenge Games for the afternoon/evening of Thursday 15 September. These trials are approved and open for entry. Pre-Entries will be open until 8 September. Premium is posted under Events & Classes.

26 August - Barn Hunt FUN TEST premium has been posted with the information at the Events & Classes page. This fun test is open for entry. Your dog does NOT have to be registered with Barn Hunt to play. Come on out and help Lynne & Scott get their required runs so they can move forward in the judging process.

25 August - NASDA drop in practices will start up mid-September after Lizzy figures out her teaching schedule with the Stanwood School District.

27 August - the NASDA trial for 28-29 August is still open for entries. Day of Show entries can be accepted.

14 August - Three day Barn Hunt Association sanctioned trials completed with 446 runs. A Fun Test has been approved for 24 September. Premium will be posted here when provided by Trial Chair or Secretary.

5 August - Results from the 29 July - 1 August NASDA trials are posted here. Please review your results and respond to Callie Kiehl with issues/questions/corrections. SNS will be sending these in by Tuesday 9 August.

5 August - Day one of SAG’s NADAC trial is in the books! We start tomorrow am with Elite Chances. Relay races tomorrow after the regular trials. Puppy Pool Party in full swing!

3 August - Results from the 22-25 NASDA trial have been sent to NASDA. They are posted here. All identified issues were reviewed and responded to.

29 July - Day 1 of our PNW Judge’s Workshop and trials is complete. Tomorrow’s lecture session will start at 0900 and run through to 2pm. At 2pm trials will begin - approximately 65 urban runs to include UCGs 4-6. Sunday and Monday we will be moving to French Creek Pet Resort for field trials of Trailing and Locating and Shed Dog. Congratulations on HIT wins in the Urban Challenge Games by Becca (UCG 1) and Bling (UCG 2 & 3).

26 July - NASDA premium for 28-29 August has been posted to Events/Lessons page. Opening date 1 August. AND tentative run orders for 29 July to 1 August have been posted on the NASDA event page for that date. Please check and identify any issues/move ups etc to Sam ASAP.

22 - 25 July - the SchaSam crew hosted four days of NASDA trials at Cedar Ponds Farm in Monroe (THANK YOU KELLY & MIKE MAIER) and SchaSam Farm in Stanwood. We hope you had fun trialing your dogs! Lots of new titles, several new teams introduced to this sport. CONGRATS!

21 July: NASDA - SchaSam NASDA Sports club will be hosting two days of NASDA trials - Sunday 28 August and Monday 29 August, both at Grenfell Farm, 26924 Burmaster Road, Sedro Wooley WA 98284. Perry Parks, Donna Murray and Callie Kiehl have agreed to round robin judging for us among the house, sheds, lean to’s, and barns of Grenfell Farm. The planned schedule is field work (Trailing and Locating and Shed Dog) and three Urban Challenge Games (UCG 1-3) on Sunday and urban work (Urban Locating, Lost Item Recovery and Urban Challenge Games 4-6) on Monday. Premium will be posted on the events page as soon as approved by NASDA (hoping by 25 July) with opening date 1 August and closing for pre entry 20 August.

5 July: The two day agility seminar by Keri Daun saw 9 teams getting some expert help learning how to work identified issues. We worked on weave entries, contacts, discrimination, switches from a distance, and just plain old team connection. The experienced teams included Mike B. & Gracie, Lizzy & Meg, Mike M. & Pickle, Kathleen & Becca, Sarah & Boogie, Sandy & Sirona, Natalie & Booker, Kathy & Missy/Glory and Sam & Bling. The one day agility seminar by Keri Daun saw 6 teams working on beginner dog issues - connection, contacts, and a lot of weave work. Judy & Ava, Kathy & Jenny, Kristen & Remey, Sarah & Arwen, Lizzy & Charm and Sam & Dance all enjoyed their time in working with and discussing ways forward with Keri. We are already looking forward to Keri’s next SchaSam seminar in 2023!

26 June: Urban Challenge Games Workshop complete at the Woodinville Sports Center. Eight teams got to discuss the six challenge games and then run each. We had from small to tall a: Westie, Parson Russell, Field Cocker Spaniel, Pry Shep, Lab, Malinois, and two Malamutes participate. Donna Morgan Murray served as our “judge” and provided great feedback on the runs. We will have Urban Games at the 29-30 July NASDA trials at SchaSam Farm in conjunction with the NASDA judge’s workshop (see info under Events & Classes). Because there are no “resets” and all UCs must be run BLIND, I will be looking for three handlers who do not have a dog entered in UC to run three of my four. We are looking at a time/date to hold a UC only trial midweek - maybe Seeking September!

25 June: Urban Challenge Games Workshop complete at SchaSam Farm. Eight teams got to discuss the six challenge games and then run each. We had from small to tall: Schipperke, Decker Rat Terrier, Field Golden Retriever, Standard Schnauzer, German WireHaired Pointer, Working Australian Kelpie, German Shepherd and a Aussie X playing the games. We will have Urban Games at the 29-30 July NASDA trials at SchaSam Farm in conjunction with the NASDA Judge’s workshop (see info under Events & Classes).

23 June: Another Video Taped (VT) agility course has been set on the field. Open level Regular Haze. Let me know if you want to come work the course and what level you need to have set so it can be ready for you. $5 for your session goes into the pay box in the office barn. Bring your own videotographer or coorinate with Sam to help you make it happen.

23 June: Both July trials (22-25 and 29 July to 1 Aug) of NASDA, our July NADAC trial (Patriotic Puppy Games trial), and August Barn Hunt trials are open for entry.

23 May: Congratulations to all who came and played at our 8th NADAC agility trial with over 800 runs. SAG put on another fun games trial and God shined her light on us with 2.5 days of good weather! We celebrated with a potluck (and a huge thank you to all who joined us to give Sam a bad time about her 66th birthday!) and with our High In Trial Winners: Intro Comet & Stuart Andres of Long Beach WA, Novice Pickle & Mike Mason of Arlington WA, Open Kate & Janet Mudge of Seattle WA, Elite Kjetyl & Kerry Greybeal from Hall Montana, Elite Veteran Will Thatcher & Patti Cavin from Puyallup, and Senior Handler Patti Cavin. We had no one who met the requirements of Junior Handler. Our next trial will be 3-5 June with Judge Marj Vincent from Ontario Oregon with lots and lots of contacts!

16 May: SchaSam NASDA Sports Club May NASDA trial is a WRAP with over 500 runs in four days! On Sunday and Monday, Urban Locating and Lost Item Recovery played in the barn, garage, on the back porch, in the motor home, around the garden tractor, among agility equipment, in the tall grass, at a picnic site and at the beach. Dogs from Great Danes down to rat terriers searched for keys, wallets and a glove as well as RATS! Several dogs moved from level 2 to level 3 in Trailing & Locating and Urban Locating and several more from level 1 moved to 2 in all of the classes. Our next trial will be in July at Cedar Ponds Farm in Monroe in July after two workshops on the new Urban Challenge games in June. More information on those events can be found on our events page.

14 May: Day two of four days of NASDA trials completed at French Creek. Great fun playing in the upper pasture for Trailing & Locating and in the lower for Shed Dog. Judge Perry Parks brought some fun ideas for hides, elevated, buried, opposite sides of the fence, under a platform, tall grass, in the tree, around the manure piles. The dogs had to deal with every day distractions such as horse manure, birds nest, a garter snake, a lot of field mice, and green, green grass! Tomorrow, Sunday, we start the urban work - get ready for a back porch complete with hot tub, a garage full of cardboard boxes and recycling, the goats, the little red truck and other common items found around the farm.

13 May: Day one of four days of NASDA trials completed out at French Creek Pet Resort in Snohomish. We had four teams gain their Trailing & Locating Level 1 Title and at least one Shed Dog Level 1 title as well. Still counting on my toes and fingers, but believe Bling & Squeek each gained their level 2 Trailing & Locating titles - on to blind hides in level 3!!! Numerous new teams got introduced to the sport - Demi the Vizsla, Griffey the CKCS, Border Terriers Coco & Max, Scarlet the BC, Tink the Jack Russell, Archie an Aussie, Myrtle a Patterdale Terrier, Winston a Pembroke Corgi and Cosmo an ACD. Tomorrow is more Trailing & Locating and Shed Dog. Sunday and Monday will be Urban Locating and Lost Item Recovery at SchaSam Farm.

5 May: NASDA results from April have been submitted to NASDA to upload to dog’s records. May NASDA trial is full. June NASDA trial is pending sanctioning from NASDA with premium ready to go. June’s trial will be just a two day level 1 only trial to be able to spend some time with the new competitors. Donna Morgan Murray will give a short class on Lost Item before we run that class - so everyone can get their items nice and smelly and ready for the hunt!

5 May: NADAC trial for May is filling fast! We have added runs to Saturday to accomodate more dogs. Remember we are doing a parking lot sale of anything sports/outdoors related. SAG will have unassembled hoops for sale. Mike Vorkapich will have jumps for sale. Pam Kaye is bringing a lot of CLEAN RUN magazines to find a good home for. We wil have Shayna from Precision K9 to do doggie manicures on Sunday - she will have a pop up in the parking lot. Looking forward to a fun trial with Chelle Schumann Hall Montana as judge. Patti Cavin & Nancy Roller will be course building with help from James Hopper as Equipment Manager.

16 April: Day two of Barn Hunt Trials completed. So far Lizzy & Charm gained their OPEN title and moved up to Senior (didn’t hear how they did today). Taryn & Sydney gained their Senior title and moved up to Master and Q’ed on their first Master run. Bling showed me she hasn’t forgotten anything since her last trial (last year) with a successful 4 rat Master run today while the other girls relaxed in the house.

15 April: Day one of Barn Hunt trIals completed. I wanted to call out Taryn & Sydney for a BEAUTIFUL run in Senior Trial 2. Taryn had her hands in her pockets, and her mouth shut. Sydney methodically worked the L shaped room and found all four of his rats. Taryn learned about an obscure rule (that will be null/void come 1 June) but it took nothing away from their very solid teamwork. GREAT JOB!

11 April: May NASDA trial has been approved. Awaiting trial numbers but premium has been posted on the event page. Will update with trial numbers when they become available.

10 April: Sam will be gone from 19 - 25 April to Wisconsin to say goodbye to a dear friend. Any emails coming from this website will be answered from there but it may be a day or two before you get a response. Hug your friends, spend time with them, laugh with them and cherish those memories!

3 April: Congrats to the folks who came out today to play AKC Canine Good Citizen and Trick Dog with their teammates! We were able to certify three dogs in CGC (Squeek, Bling & Mertz). We held a short AKC Trick Dog workshop to go through the rules and acceptable tricks, then tested and certified 10 titles. The team of Kathleen & Becca gained their Intermediate title, while Lizzy & Charm, Meagan & Maile and Sam & Bling gained both their Novice & Intermediate titles. Then Sam & Squeek, Dance & Mertz got their Novice Trick Dog Title. What fun to see the connections and offered behaviors - and to learn where the holes in our training are. We will plan another CGC and Trick Dog session for the fall!


27 March: Twenty dogs and their handlers rocked the Farm Dog Certification Tests on Sunday 27 March here at the Farm. From little pugs (Pea, Pasha, Pollywog and Paulina) to a giant Anatolian Shepherd Rubin and Gigi the Malamute we had 14 different breeds represented. Congratulations to all who came out to see if their dogs could focus on their handlers when around stock and farm yard situations.

27 March: From the North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) Nationals in Minden NV we had great success with our PNW teams - Deb Bruner and both of her Schipperkes, Blitzen and Ace, moved up to Invitationals in both Urban Locating and Trailing and Locating along with Callie Kiehl and Australian Cattle Dog Lucy in Shed Dog, and Perry Parks and his Patterdale terrier Pike. Donna Morgan Murray and GSD Laelia rocked the new Urban classes and got a lot of judge shadowing work done along with Callie & Perry. So proud of our PNW teams who started their NASDA learning here with SchaSam!

20 March: Wheeeee, 1148 runs at the SchaSam Agility Group hosted North American Do21g Agility Council (NADAC) trial at Fun Fur Paws arena in Mount Vernon. Nine teams earned NATCH/VNATCH/GROUNDERs NATCH and we welcomed a bunch of new to agility/new to NADAC teams. What a great bunch of people and dogs! A special thanks to all of those who stepped up to volunteer A LOT and to those who donated their overpayments to The Little Rascals 4H Club ! Our next trial will be out doors at SchaSam Farm in May - see EVENTS page for details.

6 March: Barn Hunt Association Judge’s workshop (5 -6 March) saw 8 prospective judges and 10 established judges getting updates on rule changes and course design. Judges and prospective judges from Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alberta Canada attended. Numerous handlers volunteered their time to run dogs and work “oops” scenarios to see if the judges dealt with the issue correctly.

 1 March ENTRY FORMS FOR BOTH THE APRIL BARN HUNT (15-17) AND THE APRIL NASDA TRIALS (22-25) As of 25 March the April Barn Hunt is closed for Saturday entries (wait list has been started). A few openings on Friday & Sunday. NASDA entries have been rolling in and we have hired a second judge so plenty of spots are available. We have two days of field work (TL & SD) at French Creek Pet Resort in Snohomish and two days of “urban” work (UL and LI) at SchaSam Farm. Entries for both of these events available from the EVENTS page of this website.

 Interested in Puppy Class? Puppy Engagement & Future Sports Stars class will be taught by Lizzy Buller if we get a good group of pups! This series of classes is made up of four 1 hour classes. The cost for the series is $100 per pup, with payment due at the first session. Each class will meet four consecutive weeks on the same day/time. Lizzy limits her class size to four or five puppies so everyone gets enough individualized attention for their pup along with the best benefits from environmental distractions. In this class we will work on engagement skills with distractions, and begin to build a solid foundation for a wide variety of sports including agility. This class is NOT going to focus on agility obstacles as we do not believe puppies should be on equipment before their bodies and minds are allowed to mature. Main skills we will work on include: 1) Engagement games to build focus and connection 2) paw awareness/hind end awareness (aimed at contact behavior) 3) start line/sit stay foundations (impulse control, focus) 4) Play foundations (rewards and connection) 5) Sport manner basics (and what is expected in trial environments) As a fun bonus we will do an introduction/play a fun game from several main dog sports throughout this series as well! All four of these sports are taught at SchaSam Farm - agility, barn hunt, real world nose work and treibball. Interested? please let Lizzy know by emailing her ( with which days/times you could attend.

Interested in Introduction to Agility Group Class? This series of group classes consists of four 1 hour classes. The cost for the series is $100 per team with payment due at the first session. Class size is limited to six teams. These classes focus on the basics of pathwork, handling, and cues. We will be working with jumps, barrels, hoops, and tunnels. The next level of class, Novice Agility, will introduce weaves and contacts. Please use the Contact page of this website if you are interested in this group class. We are looking at Thursday afternoon for the Intro Class starting May.

The next TREIBBALL series of classes will begin Wednesday 13 April which will run for four weeks. Cost is $100 for the series. Please contact Mike V at for more information or to sign up for a slot. We will continue with the beginner class at 6pm and the advanced class at 7pm for another 4 class series. If we get enough interest for brand new folks, Mike will add an Intro class at 5pm. Our goal is to hold a “fun match/sanctioned match” in the summer and the first Treibball trial in the state of Washington in the early fall. Great class which teaches a lot of basic skills needed for ANY dog sport - impulse control, directionals, distance, going to place/mat, handler focus - all in a positive manner with great people and dogs. Want more information on our class - go to the front page, scroll down to Treibball and click on the learn more button. Want more general information the sport of Treibball and the National Association of Treibball Enthusiasts?? Read about it here