SchaSam Farm students and SAG members are invited to assist with the 4-H Dog Caper day to be held at the Evergreen Fairgrounds in Monroe WA the afternoon of 13 May. We will demonstrate several of the dog sports taught at SchaSam Farm - agility, treibball, NASDA and trick dog, then rotate groups of kid/dog teams through the four stations to learn some of the basics of each sport. Agility will work on basic ground obstacle behavior (jump, barrel, tunnel, hoop and maybe weaves with gates). Treibball will work on go to mat/spot, push a rolled up yoga mat to get to a treat, and push a ball off a dish to get to a treat. NASDA will introduce dogs to a rat in a quarry box, find a lot article, and find a shed antler. Trick Dog will work on several basic tricks from the AKC trick dog listing (Novice). Goal is to provide more opportunities for kids to interact with their dogs and have fun doing it!
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