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PRIVATE EVENT Into to North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) for BVKA

The SchaSam Feld will be the location for an introduction to NASDA day for the Bell Vernon Kennel Association (BVKA) This is a closed event for the BVKA members. SchaSam Feld (23261 Odessa Drive, Mt Vernon). We will be introducing their members to TL, TB, SD, UL and LI levels PAT - level 1. We hope the BVKA has a great day of “finding things” up on the hill side of SchaSam Feld.

March 15

March NADAC AGILTY TRIAL - St PADDY’S DAY. Trial has filled. Wait list started.

March 24

Stopping to Smell the Roses -NO TRAINING WITH SAM- Field Open for VTs/practice ONLY