Come Play Treibball!

Urban herding - if you don’t own sheep, but have a dog that loves to “herd,” this sport is for you. Developed in Europe, this game involves dogs moving appropriately sized yoga balls on a course - either to the handler in the goal area, or at the more advanced levels, through a course made up of lattice gates to simulate an actual sheep herding course in competition.

Treibball drop in lessons, from introduction to competition level (Novice & Intermediate in Standard, Balls In Order and Urban Herding), are normally held Wednesday nights. SchaSam Farm has a Treibball novice level sized course for practice and competition as well as to video tape courses which can be sent in for points. We can expand that field to meet the requirements for the larger Intermediate and Advanced courses as well. We are a National Association of Treibball Enthusiasts (NATE) affiliated training facility. If you click on the orange NATE above, you will be directed to their website for more information on the sport and the governing organization we work under. Sam (owner of SchaSam) serves on the Training Committee for NATE.

Use the Contact page to learn more about lessons or upcoming events.